Verkehrsmobilität.Trust in selfdriving technologies

Titel:Trust in Selfdriving Technology
Autor:Jovana Jovanovic
Seitenangabe:S 2-1 bis 2-24
Herausgeber:Johann Höller, Tanja Illetits-Motta,
Stefan Küll, Ursula Niederländer, Martin Stabauer
Buchtitel:Digital Business für Verkehr und Mobilität-Ist die Zukunft autonom und digital?
Verlag/ Institution:Institut für Digital Business
Stichworte:Trust, Selfdriving technologies
Zitiervorschlag:Jovanovic, Trust in Selfdriving Technology in Höller/Illetits-Motta/Küll/Niederländer/Stabauer, Digital Business für Verkehr und Mobilität - Ist die Zukunft autonom und digital? (2020), S 2-1 bis 2-24.


Driving revolution is happening. Autonomous vehicles aim to
eliminate the primary cause of accidents on the roads caused by human
error. It is expected that autonomous vehicles will contribute to a better
environment, better traffic flow, reduce accidents, decrease traffic
congestion and increase highway capacity, enhance human productivity
and improve mobility of elderly and disabled. The list of benefits is
long. However, society still is skeptical about vehicles that drive
themselves. Although automation technology is replacing humans in
complex tasks’ performance, eliminating human intervention from driving
may imply significant safety and trust-related concerns. Many
question are still seeking answers.
